Choose Windows. Choose the Millennium.
Choose engineering with a fucking mouse.
Choose IIS. Choose SQL Server.
Choose VB, IE, ASP, and a fucking big NT...
Choose SMB and end up wondering why your passwords are on that shitty site.

Choose a future. Choose Micro$oft!
But why would I want to do a thing like that?
I choose not to choose: I choose something else.
And the reasons? There are too many reasons.
Who needs reasons when you've got Linux?
"He who gets off the route
will get a firewall slammed on his face
               -- Fritz, 3:16"
   ___       ____           
  / _ \__ __/ / /  ___  ___ 
 / ___/ // / / _ \/ _ `(_-< 
/_/   \_,_/_/_//_/\_,_/___/ 
 (Kicking Ass Since 1994)
PS: Bend Over 'coz we're right behind you!!
