28th Feb 2003 [SBWID-6029]
Ecartis Password Reseting Vulnerability
Ecartis 1.0.0 (at least)
Haluk AYDIN [[email protected]] found :
A vulnerability enables an attacker to reset passwords of any user
defined on the list server, including the list admins.
After logging on as a non-priviledged user, Ecartis enables the user to
change his/her password, but does not ask for the old one. The first
time I have seen this, I thought that the software relies on the
session cookie, but it seems this is not the case.
The html page contains the username in the "hidden" fields. After
saving the page on disk, then replacing all "hidden" fields with
another username which is defined in the server, and reloading the page
again we can try our chance to change the password. Just fill in the
empty password fields with a password of your choice, and click "Change
Password": there you are... You have just reset the victim's password.