17th Feb 2003 [SBWID-5996]
Riched20.DLL attribute label buffer overflow vulnerability
Tested system: Microsoft Windows 98
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
In Security Defence Stdio vulnerability announcement [001]
[[email protected]] :
A buffer overflow vulnerability exists in riched20.dll,which can result
in the collapse of the application program that use the corresponding
function of the DLL module, But it is very difficult to have the effect
of allowing an attacker to execute commands on a user�s system.
This problem exists in the analysed RTF file code, and there is an
overflows when drawing figure-string( such as the size of the
character) in the file form .This overflow seem not to be used for
executing commands.
The following RTFfile may result in illegal operation :
\fnil\fprq2\fcharset134 \'cb\'ce\'cc\'e5;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue255;}
\fs18121111111111111111111111111111111110000 www.yoursft.com\fs20\par
"\fs" was used for setting the size of the followingly words
"www.yoursft.com". when the figure-string that set the size of the
fonts exceeding 1024byte(>1024b) , it Will cause the buffer overflow
;And when exceeding 65536byte(>65536b) it will probably cause crashing
the application program.
This promblom Not only appear in the setting of "\fs" , other attribute
will have the same problem under the similar situation. And this
following RTF files Will also result in operating illegally :
\fnil\fprq2\fcharset134 \'cb\'ce\'cc\'e5;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue255;}
\fs180 www.yoursft.com\fs20\par
The terrible thing is nowadays lots of software was affected by this
vulnerability. The attacker can send a malicious message that include
exploiting the vulnerability, then when you read this message your
program will be crashed.