26th Sep 2002 [SBWID-5305]
LabVIEW Web Server DoS vulnerability due to malformed HTTP command
5.1.1 - 6.1
Steve Zins [http://www.ilabview.com] posted following advisory
regarding LabVIEW web server, an integrated development system for
creating LabVIEW programs, which are called Virtual Instruments or VIs.
The LabVIEW application can run, or host, VIs in its own environment.
The LabVIEW application can also host its own Internet servers,
including an HTTP or Web server. LabVIEW also has extensive libraries
to interface with real-world test and measurement equipment, as well as
mechanical motion control and process control equipment.
When the malformed HTTP request described below is received by the
LabVIEW Web Server, the entire LabVIEW application crashes, including
the Web Server, and any other LabVIEW programs, or VIs, that are
running in the application environment. This amounts to a Denial of
Service attack, not only on the web server, itself, but on any
processes hosted in the LabVIEW application. LabVIEW VIs performing
real-world processes could be interrupted by this type of attack.
National Instruments has confirmed this exploit and has published a
response in their KnowledgeBase, referenced below. This states that the
crash will occur only when web server logging is enabled.
While this is demonstrably a Denial of Service vulnerability, it might
also be exploitable with a buffer overflow attack.
The LabVIEW Web Server crashes when it processes the following
malformed HTTP request:
This request is malformed because RFC 1945 for HTTP 1.0 specifies that
header lines should be separated by CRLF (\r\n), not just LF (\n) as
shown here. The header should be ended by two adjacent CRLF sequences.
But a server should not crash when it processes this sequence.
The server crashes only when the Web Server logging is disabled.
National Instruments - http://www.ni.com/
LabVIEW - http://sine.ni.com/apps/we/nioc.vp?cid=1381〈=US
National Instruments KnowledgeBase notification -
Disable web server logging.
I strongly recommend that (1) LabVIEW Web Servers be run only with
logging disabled and that (2) any LabVIEW application that is running a
LabVIEW Web server does not also run processes that could cause
real-world damage if interrupted.