26th Sep 2002 [SBWID-5310]
PHPProjekt multiple remote vulnerabilities
All versions below 3.2
Ulf Harnhammar [[email protected]] found the following vulnerabilities
1) Some of the scripts in the system require that the user is logged
in, while others don't. The system differentiates between them by
checking the current URL in the variable $PHP_SELF to see if it
contains strings like "sms" (the name of one of the scripts that don't
require logging in contains that string). Unfortunately, $PHP_SELF
includes the PATH_INFO part of a request. This means that we can fool
the system into thinking that we are accessing a script that doesn't
need logging in, while in fact we are accessing a script that does.
This is done by constructing a URL like
where the PATH_INFO part is "/sms".
2) The upload functions in the system don't check if the variables
related to an upload actually were set by uploading a file or if they
are normal POST data. This can be used to make the system treat any
file it can read, like "/etc/passwd", as the uploaded data.
3) Many SQL statements in the system include user data without
enclosing it in apostrophes or quotes. This means that much more data
than intended can be deleted or changed. If the system uses the
parameter "id" in the string "UPDATE table SET name='Ulf' WHERE
intTableID=$id", giving "id" the value "intTableID" means that we will
end up executing the statement "UPDATE table SET name='Ulf' WHERE
intTableID=intTableID". This statement will change all names in the
table to Ulf.
4) Some of the scripts that should require logging in never check if
you are in fact logged in. This means that a person with insufficient
privileges can view or edit data in the system, by posting the right
data to those scripts.
5) Files are accessed without proper checking of their file names for
slashes and dots. This means that we can read files outside of the
PHProjekt system by entering file names like
Get version 3.2 from http://www.phprojekt.com/