16th Apr 2003 [SBWID-6151]
ActivCard password cache memory leakage
ActivCard Gold 2.2
Hern�n Otero [http://www.xss.com.ar] reported following:
In December of the 2002 I was analysing the ActivCard product for a
client. During the analysis I noticed that making a memory dump of the
process "scardsrv" was possible to obtain the users stored staticaly in
the card.
This issue at first, could seem smaller, although in depth already it
has a very serious character, but deepening the analisis I found that
even with the card pulled out from the pc the users and passwords
remained in memory.
This was reported properly to ActivCard (this can be reed in the mail
thread at next).
Here is the answer from our Product Manager about this issue:
The problem found relates to accessing static passwords stored (for
performance) in a memory cache by ActivCard Gold. ActivCard recognizes
the seriousness of this problem, and will fix it in the next version of
the product - ActivCard is currently working on a mechanism that will
prevent a memory dump to access any kind of personal data. Note that
this problem is only applicable to static passwords. PKI private keys
and Dynamic Password keys are always stored securely on the card and
never loaded on the PC. Also note that this problem only happens after
the user has accessed the card with his PIN, and while the user is
still using the card. As soon as the user removes the card and logs out
of his session, the cache is cleared and the static passwords cannot be
accessed anymore. (/****NOTE***** This is not true, I do some test and
even when pulled out the card the users and pass remain in memory
area******/) Regards, Jensen Toma
I have not recived any news or contact since february, I believe is
convenient to publish this "vulnerability" to accelerate the process of
Maybe the version 2.3 corrects this. Has to be checked.